1941 - 1942
1991 - 1992
2006 - 2007
Everite founded in South Africa as an asbestos cement manufacturing company, by the Schmidheiny family (founders of Holcim Cement, a multinational giant)
Everite is acquired by Group Five from the Swiss Eternit Group
All asbestos consuming processes are halted and all Everite products manufactured with alternative reinforcing fibres under the Nutec Brand
Group Five disposes of it's 100% stake in Vaal Sanitary and it's 40 stake in DPI Plastics, both acquired in the Everite acquisition; In 2006, 100% of Sky Sands is acquired for ZAR124m
Hebel brand license agreement signed and second hand Australian plant acquired
Everite founded in South Africa as an asbestos cement manufacturing company, by the Schmidheiny family (founders of Holcim Cement, a multinational giant)
Everite coastal and Bloemfontein production plants closed and Everite is consolidated on a "super site" in Kliprivier, Gauteng
Re-commissioned the pipe plant as a niche column and low pressure pipe manufacturer using PVA as a replacement fibre
Everite exits Big Six production as volumes become uneconomic - a supply agreement is negotiated with an Italian producer, Landini S.p.A.
S5 Machine is constructed, a state of the art 4 vat machine using Austrian technology from MFL, setting new benchmarks for operational efficiency in the plant
Everite AAC plant including new autoclaves fully commissioned: production begins

Everite Building Products
Everite Building Products has been associated with the South African building industry since 1941. Producing a wide range of materials that satisfy the needs of the commercial, industrial and residential market sectors, Everite is renowned for its comprehensive range of Nutec Roofing and Cladding Solutions and includes fibre-cement roofing, cladding, ceilings and building columns amongst others.
Nutec fibre-cement high performance properties and added benefits include: the use of safe renewable fibres; considerable tensile strength with enhanced dynamic load bearing properties; excellent thermal properties; water and wind resistance; hail resistance; fire resistance and resistance to fungus, rodents and acid.
A programme of quality assurance in accordance with the requirements of the International Standards Organisation (ISO 9001:2015) is entrenched in Everite’s process and management systems. Quality of all products is continuously monitored as specified by the South African National Standards and recognised international bodies.
Everite’s 54 hectare manufacturing facility near Johannesburg is well located and has immediate access to all major road and rail links to national destinations and major ports. The company has branches located at major centres throughout South Africa. Nutec products are distributed through leading stockists countrywide and an established export market further endorses the international acceptance of the Nutec Roofing and Cladding Solutions range of products.
Nutec is the registered name for products manufactured without asbestos as a raw material. Nutec fibre cement products are manufactured using a mixture of cellulose fibre, cement, silica and water. Through ongoing research and development, Everite Building Products are committed to provide product of world-class quality.
Accordingly, the Nutec product range is continuously reviewed not only in the interests of the end-user and superior product performance, but also with respect to its impact on the environment. Everite Building Products has over the years established a reputation for producing a variety of outstanding quality products which have been used in a wide range of external and internal applications.

Everite Building Products represents a range of business units (BU’s) in the manufacturing plant situated at Kliprivier, Gauteng, who are responsible for the day to day running of their individual business and Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality (SHEQ) affairs.
Everite Building Products’ Vision, namely to be an exceptional provider of building, infrastructure and engineering solutions, is entrenched in its reputation to produce exceptional quality product to the satisfaction of its clients.
Everite Building Products has developed and implemented a Safety, Health, Environmental, Quality (SHEQ) and Railway Safety, Integrated Management System (IMS), which uses ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and the RSR SANS 3000 series as a framework that allows the business units to document and improve our environmental, health & safety and quality, and railway operation practices in order to better satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers, stakeholders and interested parties
To ensure a common approach to managing environmental, health and safety, quality performance, and railway operations and to achieve ongoing improvement throughout Everite Building Products, we focus on the systematic identification, management and improvement of the areas of our business that present risk.
Implementing one system, rather than having a number of individual systems to manage each ISO standard, brings together all requirements for quality, occupational health and safety, the environment and Railway Safety Regulator requirements.
Everite Building Products IMS is certified through DEKRA on:
ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management
ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management
ISO 45001:2018 – Safety Management, and
SANS 3000 series – Railway Safety Requirements (no certification required it is a requirement for the application for a siding operations permit)